Francesca H.

This guy knows his sh*t, don’t dive the cenotes with anyone else. So as a fairly experienced diver (DM) I normally try and get a recommendation off of some friends in the diving community before I dive in a new place. My original recommendation for the cenotes, based in Playa, wasn’t available.
I couldn’t have been luckier to have found Paolo. He is quite unassuming when you meet him, nice and friendly but turns up no shirt no shoes. I ended up diving 5 cenotes with him (6 dives) and spending a fair few dollars.. 100% worth every dollar. You can trust this guy and thats really important for any diving but especially in the cenotes where you rely more on your guide in the cave conditions. I’m a bit of a control freak when I dive and would always make sure I am in control of any situation (in this case, I would always know my way back out with the reel) but after a few dives I knew I could trust him. He does really thorough briefings.

He is THE ONLY GUY in Tulum who knows how to dive The Pit properly, which is just an unbelievable experience like no where else in the world. Totally different dive and 100 times better than what you would get otherwise. Out of 150+ dives this is fighting for the top spot.

Francesca H.